Happy World Autism Day!
almost 5 years ago, WOWE School District
Thank you for your patience as we implement the new distance learning plan. We will need to partner like never before to make this work! Please see the April schedule and plan below for returning portfolios. Returning Work Each student has been assigned portfolios that will be exchanged weekly. This work will be graded and count towards attendance credit. Make sure the right work gets into the correct student portfolio, please. 1. All weekly assignments must be completed by Thursday evening or Friday morning by 11:00 am and ready to be returned. 2. Complete all paperwork in their designated portfolio for each student. (Each has a label with their name on it). 3. Put it out for the bus pick up by 11:00 AM on the pick-up date. 4. Look for new assignments in the new portfolio. 5. If you are not ready with your portfolios for pick-ups, you are responsible to drop it off at the Waubun School site at the main entrance on the same day as the pick-up date. The school closes at 4:00 pm. 6. If you are not on a bus route delivery and have not signed up for one, or have not signed up for a grab and go lunch and lesson pick up, please use the same schedule as below to pick up and drop off portfolios at the Waubun Main entrance. You can also call the District office to get on scheduled delivery or pick up if you choose to at this time. 7. Missing work is failing work and counted as absent. Let’s work together to get it in! 8. If you need more time or help on an assignment please communicate with your teacher. Please call if you are having any problems so we can work it out together. Thank you! Drop off, Pick-up Schedule Friday, April 3rd 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Thursday, April 9th 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Friday, April 17th 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Friday, April 24th 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
almost 5 years ago, Travis Gary
Distance Learning Starts on Monday! Our distance learning plan has required attendance which is measured by a daily contact requirement that is measured through a variety of distance communication methods. So be ready to start learning, instructional packets are being dropped off on the lunch delivery bus route on Monday, March 30th between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. Packets are also being picked up at each school site if those prior arrangements were made between 11:00 am-1:00 pm. Students are accountable to the learning during this distance learning time period, so it is important we all understand the process. Please look for details in our Distance Learning Plan at our District website. We look forward to learning together as we journey through this new education process. Superintendent Weber
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
Dear Families of Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Schools, As stated in the executive order, distance learning will start on March 30th, 2020. Please follow the enclosed links to our District letter, Distant Learning Plan, and Chromebook checkout procedures information. You can also go to our District website at any time to access information at the COVID-19 tab at the top of the page. Information will also be mailed out to each household. Please refer to the aforementioned link regarding our Distant Learning Plans, please inform the building secretary if you are choosing to pick up student’s materials. These links will also appear on the front of our website and on our Facebook page. Link to Parent Letter - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iNWK4rA61AJ2C8grsbuvfg6EyE0Yj2BsKjyO--AnSRg/edit?usp=sharing Link to Distance Learning Plan - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NSgs70ABREbj2Opiw1_lLYPG1p2u6dUT0uEsr2vumhc/edit?usp=sharing Link to checkout procedures - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1stEmlcz56w3EP3_i0jIJb7m5142YADJH_8AL8HeUGng/edit?usp=sharing Link to Distance Learning Page - https://www.waubun.k12.mn.us/o/waubunogemawhiteearthschoolsmn/page/distance-learning--18
almost 5 years ago, Waubun Ogema White Earth School
Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Thunderbirds- we are gonna have some fun this week! Let's have a virtual spirit week! Message (Waubun school FB Page) or email dejaha@waubun.k12.mn.us your pics and we can post some to share on our FB page and website! #Waubunstrong #WOWEStrong
almost 5 years ago, WOWE School District
WOWE Strong
Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Weekly School News Update-3-19-20 Greetings! Greetings to the parents, students and community of WOWE. I hope you are all doing well! It has not even been a week and we already miss our students! But we sure do need the planning time. Trying to develop an effective Distance Learning plan to meet the needs of every learner at every grade level and every subject is a monumental task. I am confident in our staff to develop a great program and plan. Please know we are working hard for you. Superintendent Weber Education Assistance Program (Internet Service) Arvig announced they are offering an Education Assistance Program for families with a student in the K-12 system or for college students, to receive free internet service so their education can continue via e-learning methodologies in the event schools remain closed (or close again) as a result of COVID-19. People interested in learning more can contact the Arvig Customer Care team either online at arvig.com via online chat, or by calling 888.992.7844 and asking about the Arvig Education Assistance Program. The Customer Care Representative will walk them through the steps to determine if they qualify and if so, set them up for installation. https://www.arvig.net/education-assistance-program Lunch/Breakfast Program If you are interested in being added to our lunch program please call any school office. We will get you added to the list. You can choose a Grab & Go option at either the Ogema or Waubun sites or choose to have it delivered. (If you choose delivery it may have to wait until the next day for us to make arrangements.) Same day lunch and next day breakfast are being delivered/picked from 11:00am -1:00 pm. This program is under the summer food program. All learners qualify for this lunch program and do not need to pay. Talking with Children about the Coronavirus As the news stories and public conversations about Coronavirus increases, so does our anxiety. It is only natural that our children would also worry about themselves, their families, the people they love and care about. Talking about what is happening in an open and honest manner decreases anxiety and fear. Make sure that what you are talking about is factual and not rumors or thoughts that are a result of your own fears and anxiety. Focus on what you can and will do to be safe as a family. Educate them about germs and personal care and hygiene. It is helpful to make sure that information you share is age appropriate. Young children need very different information than a teenager. Knowledgeable children are safer children. Please see the link, “Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 2019: Messages for parents, school staff, and others working with children”, a resource created by the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/talking-with-children.html
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
Consent form for Home meal delivery
almost 5 years ago, Julie Wenschlag
Consent form for home meal delivery
Announcement for the Food Service Program during school Closure: The food service program will start tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18th, for parents who signed up for those services. The Grab and Go program is available at both the Waubun and Ogema sites from 11:00am-1:00pm. We will have meals available at the Kitchen doors in the entry way, so you will not have to enter the buildings. Parents who signed up for the bus delivery meals will have meals delivered between 11:00am-1:00 pm by our bus drivers. Since the bus drivers will not be transporting children on their meal deliveries, they may be driving their personal vehicles. They will call the phone numbers provided on your survey when they arrive at the delivery site. Then the student or adult can come to the vehicle to get the meal(s) for the household. If you have not completed a request for services, please check on Facebook or Live feed for the survey or call any of our school offices and we will collect the information over the phone. Superintendent Weber
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
Announcement for Emergency Staff and Health Worker Child Care Child care for pre-registered emergency personnel will begin Wednesday, March 18th. Children can be dropped off between 7:30-8:00 am at the main entrance in Ogema. You will need to sign your child in and stay until a health check has been completed for your child. Students will need to follow the rules and expectations of the student handbook and students are expected to follow the directives of all staff. We are limiting access into the building so drop off and pick up will be at the main entrance only. You will need to sign out your child each day also. Please bring winter outdoor gear as we will be playing outside as the weather allows. If you have not completed a request for services, please check on Facebook or Live feed for the survey or call any of our school offices and we will collect the information over the phone and review for eligibility. Superintendent Weber
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
*Correction: Food Service/Nutrition Program Offered We will provide Food Service for school-age children from students PK – age 18. This Food Service program begins on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Please complete the attached link to the survey to let us know if your students will be participating in the school sponsored food program. Food services / distance needs link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtQi5pWDt_lZj2iX8EbbsKQcRh8_tgvvEtjJxg-z7gWSmzxw/viewform A copy will also be sent home. To set up the best services we can, we need you to complete the survey as soon as possible. Follow the link attached. Thank you for your help as we continue to develop plans and services for this situation.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
Food Service/Nutrition Program Offered We will provide Food Service for school-age children from students PK – age 12. This Food Service program begins on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. Please complete the attached link to the survey to let us know if your students will be participating in the school sponsored food program. Food services / distance needs link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtQi5pWDt_lZj2iX8EbbsKQcRh8_tgvvEtjJxg-z7gWSmzxw/viewform A copy will also be sent home. To set up the best services we can, we need you to complete the survey as soon as possible. Follow the link attached. Thank you for your help as we continue to develop plans and services for this situation.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
Care for Children of Families of Health Care and Emergency Workers We will provide child care for school-age studednts from PK – age 12 who are children of emergency workers critical to the State’s response to COVID-19. This childcare begins on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. To set up the best services we can, we need you to complete the survey as soon as possible. Follow the link attached. First care Survey link -- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-HczJG_I0KCfMmMrc6xUUUxqRm7k3QzGSZZT4Tnekcf36Ww/viewform A letter from the employer or an employment badge will be required to verify employment status. School Employees will also be provided child care for school-age students from PK – age 12 who need care to provide services to ISD #435 students and community. A written version will be sent home also, but it must be returned ASAP. This is not being offered to everyone, only those who sign up and meet criteria as defined in the executive order. Thank you for your help with a quick response.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
almost 5 years ago, WOWE School District
March 15, 2020 Dear Families, Today, Governor Tim Walz and Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker announced that all Minnesota public schools will close to students starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020 with the plan to resume instruction on Monday, March 30, 2020. During the school closure for students, Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Community Schools will be joining school districts and charter schools across the state to create plans to equitably distribute distance learning to our students should we need to close schools statewide for a longer period of time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Minnesota Department of Education is defining distance learning to mean that a student receives daily interaction with their licensed teacher(s) and appropriate educational materials. Starting March 30, 2020, per the instruction from the Minnesota Department of Education, student learning will continue for the rest of the school year. Our educators will be giving thoughtful planning to our distance learning plan, offering careful consideration for students in a variety of areas, including students receiving special education services, multilingual learners, students experiencing homelessness, and students who rely on meals served at school. Once our distance learning plan is finalized we will communicate the plan to families through our Apptegy communication system and mail. As always, our first priority is the safety and well-being of our students. We also want to ensure every child has access to the education they need and deserve. We will continue to keep you informed as we navigate COVID-19. Sincerely, Lisa Weber, Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Weber
Due to guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health in response to the COVID 19 health issue, we are postponing our afterschool events and activities where large groups would be meeting. Consequently, next week's band/choir concert and speech night will be postponed. The Minnesota State High School League has also released an announcement stating that all sports and activities are limited to practice and tryouts until April 6, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Eric Martinez
We sent out this very important health information regarding COVID-19 yesterday, but not everyone was able to access it. So we will try again in a different format. Please follow the link to the information.( https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fQ62SA7rDSbMggfhab7r13HDfapwIhYK ) Information changes very quickly, so we will send updates when we have factual information that is beneficial to our learners and community. Superintendent Weber Lisa Weber, Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Travis Gary
almost 5 years ago, WOWE School District
Information on the COVID - 19
almost 5 years ago, Travis Gary
Covid 19 page 1
COVID 19 Page 2
COVID 19 Page 3
COVID 19 Page 4
Band trip to Winnipeg - Meeting after the concert on the 17th. Don't forget your certified birth certificate and final payment (if needed) on that day as well
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Bauck
Upcoming Concerts: JH/SH Band/Choir concert at 7:00, Tuesday, March 17th; 5th/6th Choir/6th Band at 8:30 AM Friday, March 20th
almost 5 years ago, Sarah Bauck