Jordan Spaeth
Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Public Schools
1013 3rd Street
Waubun, MN 56589
Welcome to Waubun-Ogema-White-Earth Schools. We are a small rural school district that serves 705 approximately students pre k-grade 12. Our school district proudly focuses on the growth of each and every stakeholder. And, we are growing! Our enrollment is growing, our programs are growing, our student achievement is growing. We have a fantastic early childhood wing to serve our Prek (Kickstart) program. We have a gifted and talented program and continue to grow that program every year. We've added an elementary STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) teacher and services to our Ogema family of learners. Our Ojibwe and Cultures education begins in preschool and is taught throughout our student's PK - 12 career. Technology is also integrated throughout our students' educational life.
Our secondary students have College in the High School, Advanced Placement, Career and Technical classes, and a strong foundation of core curriculum courses and essential electives. Our curriculum selection cycle keeps our curriculum relevant and current. All of our students have a high level of participation in hands-on career and college ready experiences and programming. We are a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Systems) district that creates systems that support positive choices and results in a school positive culture. We also have trained our staff in Social Emotional Learning, we and our partners can help students develop social and emotional skills to help them manage themselves and their relationships with others. We offer a wide variety of academic and personal intervention services including on-site site counseling and mental health services. We are proud to help our students to overcome challenges to find their own path to success.
We have high expectations and individual growth goals for every learner. We believe that if we focus on the growth of each individual and work together as a team to reach their goals then we will also reach our goals as parents, educators, leaders, and community members. Together we are unstoppable in achieving success. Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Schools will continue to grow, learn and rise to the challenges of the new day, "Thunderbirds Rise!"
Thanks for visiting our website and best wishes!
Jordan Spaeth, Superintendent
Located in West Central Minnesota, the Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Community Schools are right on the division of the Pines and the Prairie. Dozens of lakes, large and small, dot this 400 square mile school district. The communities of Waubun and Ogema each host one of the two school district buildings which together are the home to 700+ PK-12 students. The WOWE Community Schools take pride in supporting the mission of preparing our students to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners in this ever-changing world.