Town Takeover
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Town Takeover
Bus 3 is running approxiamately 20 minutes late. The bus got stuck in the mud. We have a tow truck on the way to pull them out. Following protocal, students will be safely removed while the bus is being towed. Then they will reload and be on their way.
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Weber
Friday Fun Night @ Bears
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Vikings Friday
There is a JH Honors Concert in Mahnomen tonight at 6:30. Everyone is welcome to attend. Congratulations to Connor Adams, Dennis Ashley, Jameson Donner, Justice Alvarado, and Kiearra Keezer for being selected to represent Waubun in the band.
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Today is the last day to order your Thunderbird Stainless Steel Tumblers from Close Up- $20.00
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Nothing better than Dr. Seuss pajama day and catapults in STEAM class
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
almost 6 years ago, Kristi Bellefeuille
Sunshine Englund Fundraiser for her Washington DC trip with Close Up!
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Schools will be holding their Early Childhood Screening on Monday, April 8th. This is for children entering Kindergarten or Kick-Start the fall of 2019. Please contact Suzy Olson at 473-6175 or to schedule an appointment. Kindergarten orientation will be held at Ogema Elementary on Thursday, April 4th at 5:30 pm and Friday, April 5th at 9:00 am. Families and children who are eligible for kindergarten during the 2019-2020 school year are invited to attend one of the sessions. Children must be 5 years old by September 1st, 2019 to be eligible to attend kindergarten. No Kick-Start on Friday, the 5th and Monday, the 8th; as well as no Kindergarten on the 5th.
almost 6 years ago, Kristi Bellefeuille
Sports/Activities- JH Boys and Girls Golf will start Monday, April 1 JH Boys and Girls Track and Field will start Tuesday, April 2 The boys and girls Basketball awards will be on Tuesday, April 4th at 6:00 pm at the Waubun school. Ice cream will be served. Thunderbirds/Vikings Youth Football camp: April 13th- grades K-8 (boys and girls) Mahnomen High School- register online. Pick up information in the guidance office
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
There is a real urgency for blood donations right now. We have many openings yet for the blood drive on Monday, April 1st. Email or talk to Ms. Bauck or a student council member if you can donate and help save lives. Remember, if you are 16 or 17 you will need to fill out a parent permission form and bring it with you or turn it in ahead of time. See Ms. Bauck or pick one up from the table in the guidance office.
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Schools will be holding their Early Childhood Screening on Monday, April 8th. This is for children entering Kindergarten or Kick-Start the fall of 2019. Please contact Suzy Olson at 473-6175 or to schedule an appointment. Kindergarten orientation will be held at Ogema Elementary on Thursday, April 4th at 5:30 pm and Friday, April 5th at 9:00 am. Families and children who are eligible for kindergarten during the 2019-2020 school year are invited to attend one of the sessions. Children must be 5 years old by September 1st, 2019 to be eligible to attend kindergarten.
almost 6 years ago, Angie Lehrke
We have THREE Thunderbird Speech competitors advancing to Sections in Fosston next Friday: Mackenzie Lampton in Humor, Malachai Russell in Discussion, and Evander Brown in Creative Expression! Section alternates include Lilly Dayton, Ayva Sampson, and Nathan Nelson. Congratulate our thunderous speakers!
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
Title VI Parent Committee election for 2019-2020 school year. Three positions along with a teacher rep and student rep (grades 9-12) are up for election. Nominations can be sent to Patti DeGroat via email. starting April 1, 2019 to April 12, 2019. Election will be held two weeks later in conjunction with community event scheduled for the month of May.
almost 6 years ago, Patti DeGroat
Boys and Girls Basketball awards night moved to April 4
almost 6 years ago, Waubun High School
DNR-Deer night- TONIGHT- 6-8pm Waubun Media Center- FREE
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
DNR night
Thunderbirds/MN Vikings Youth Football camp
almost 6 years ago, WOWE School District
youth football camp
Congratulations to our Ogema Caught Being Good Winners!
almost 6 years ago, Laurie Johnson
The Waubun School Forest remains closed at this time. Please stay tuned for updates.
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Short
Ongoing support for our students Our Indian Education staff will be partnering with White Earth Mental Health and the White Earth Cultural Division to offer talking circles on site at Ogema Elementary once a week for the remainder of the school year. They will start on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Students will voluntarily attend circle. We will offer this to 3rd and 4th graders to start out the talking circle support system. We will assess needs and continue to follow up with students at the end of the year into next fall. All students are welcome to attend. Our plan is to extend this support to more grades and the Waubun site over time. We will also offer smudging for those who need it. Any staff that are available are also welcome to attend. If you have any questions please contact, Megan Lhotka or Laurie Johnson at 218-473-6174, or Lisa Weber at 218-473-6171. Please contact the office if you do not want your child to have a choice to attend Talking Circles. Miigwech, Megan Lhotka, Ojibwe Language and Culture Teacher Lisa Weber, Superintendent What is a Talking Circle? The talking circle is a very effective way to remove barriers and to allow people to express themselves with complete freedom. The talking circle is making its appearance in schools, corporate board rooms and team dressing rooms around the world, for the simple reason that the technique works very well. The symbolism of the circle, with no beginning and with nobody in a position of prominence, serves to encourage people to speak freely and honestly about things that are on their minds. Everyone sits in a circle. A token, such as a feather or a special talking stick, is passed clockwise around the circle. As each person receives the token, they may speak for as long as they wish, including addressing a topic brought up by another in the circle. When they have finished, they pass the token along. If someone does not wish to speak, they simply pass the token. The token may go around several times; when everyone has had the opportunity to speak as many times as they wish, the conductor ends the circle. The most common type of circle is a simple sharing circle, where people just share whatever they have to say. There is no particular purpose or theme. The sharing circle is also an excellent introduction to this great learning tool and for those who are just discovering traditional ways. We find that the circles generate a feeling of harmony and kinship in those who participate. Another common circle, and perhaps the most powerful, is the healing circle. This is generally guided by the conductor, and will be convened to deal with issues that are bothering people. These issues may be specific, or the circle may be called to simply allow everyone to get any problems off their chests. Very often, a simple chance to have a voice, and to have a problem heard in a sympathetic and supportive environment, is all that a person requires for healing Another type of circle is used to mediate problems between people, either individuals or groups. Again, very often all that is required for a solution to such problems is the opportunity to hear and speak in complete honesty, so that both sides of the problem become aware of the impact of the problem on the other party. In these circles, the conductor guides the participants toward finding their own equitable solution to their problem, since a solution that is created by the participants is the most likely to work over the long term.
almost 6 years ago, Lisa Weber