School Health Reminders

*Remember to get your students in for their well child exams and make sure their immunizations are up-to-date!

Medications: It is required that a medication form be filled out in order for health office staff to give out any medications in the school. See Medication Forms.

Health Conditions: If your student has a diagnosis of Diabetes, Seizure Disorder, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, or any other emergent health condition, please contact the school nurse to get an Emergency Care Plan in place. See Health Plans.

Special Diet: If your student needs a special diet and requires substitutions, a Special Diet Statement needs to be filled out by a medical provider. *Parents/Guardians may provide a written request for lactose-reduced milk without a physician’s signature. See Special Diet Statement.


Taylor Winter, RN, BSN, LSN, PHN

Taylor Winter, RN, BSN, LSN, PHN
WOWE School Nurse
White Earth Tribal Health
Phone: 218-473-6134
Fax: 218-473-6190

Carie Ladwig

Carie Ladwig, Health Aid (Ogema)
Phone: 218-473-6212
Fax: 218-983-4200