The teachings in the Ojibwe culture have been traditionally passed down from generation to generation orally through stories and ceremonies. Historically, this has been done by the elders that carry the stories and traditions. Today, the oral traditions are being shared by those who carry the knowledge of such things. The teachings of all Aboriginal cultures encompass the morals, values, structures, ceremonial practices, spiritual beliefs of the group. These teachings also ensured the survival of the people. For the Ojibwe people, the teachings vary from nation to nation, because of the geographical placement of each particular group. However, the Ojibwe teachings commonly come from the same root and share a similar message.
Of all the North American Indigenous teachings, the 7 Grandfather Teachings are the most commonly shared from coast to coast. Many Aboriginal organizations and communities have adopted the 7 guiding principals, in one form or another, as a moral stepping stone and cultural foundation. There are stories of the origins of the 7 Grandfather Teachings in all communities. Each community has adapted the teachings to suit their community values. Despite where the teachings may have originated, they share the same concepts of abiding by a moral respect for all living things.
Wisdom – Nbwaakaawin
The beaver represents wisdom because he uses his natural gift wisely for his survival. The beaver also alters his environment in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way for the benefit of his family. To cherish knowledge is to know wisdom. Use your inherent gifts wisely and live your life by them. Recognize your differences and those of others in a kind and respectful way. Continuously observe the life of all things around you. Listen with clarity and a sound mind. Respect your own limitations and those of all of your surroundings. Allow yourself to learn and live by your wisdom.
The gift of Wisdom allows us to know what is true and what is right and helps us to make decisions with good judgment and respect for ourselves and our communities. With the gift of wisdom, we are able to think, act, and move through life using our knowledge and personal gifts wisely and are able to achieve positive outcomes.
The Spirit Animal commonly used to represent the gift of wisdom is the Beaver who uses his natural wisdom to survive and help his family thrive. The Beaver also represents an intimate knowledge of nature and using one's natural resources to achieve health, wellness, and prosperity.