See below for information on Cheerleading
Reminder for girls basketball players who participated in the 10,000 shot club. Your forms are due and need to be turned in to Coach Qual by Oct. 1st. Contact him with any questions.
Message from the League of Women Voters
I got married over the weekend! My current class kept saying they wished they could be at my wedding, so I tried on my veil at school to show them. ♡ This is my 10th year teaching in Ogema. It is an enormous privilege for me to work and teach near where I grew up. If I ever taught your kids, please know that they have never left my heart and that they were on my mind on my wedding day. Miss Allen is now Mrs. Bendson! ♡
Today the MSHSL approved the moving forward with a fall football season, which means that yes, we will have cheer! Yahoo!
With that said there are some serious restrictions we will have to abide by.
First and foremost - no stunting. I know that this disappoints you as much as it does us.
Formations for cheer - six feet of separation in front of the stands and each other.
Transportation becomes the biggest issue. There will be no transportation provided by either school to and from practices. And, we will be VERY limited to how many we can take to away games.
With all of that said, we are excited to have this opportunity to cheer on our team and support our community.
If you are interested in cheer this season, please contact
Mrs. Pariso at,or
Miss Haverkamp at
Congratulations to our September Senior of the Month:
Noah Schneck
Click on the link below (or you may need to cut/paste) for Thunderbird Football Online Store
Dear Families, Students, and Staff,
We were notified by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) of a lab confirmed case of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in a member of the Waubun school community with exposure date(s) of September 8th and 9th , 2020. Please see the following document for further directions.
Meal Pick Up Reminder
If you signed up for meals Friday afternoon or later your first pick up will be next week. We only get food delivered once a week, so numbers are needed in advance to be able to order enough food. Our wonderful cooks have been working extra hard to provide healthy delicious meals to our students both in school and out. Please have patience as we work through this new challenge. Thanks!
We will begin free meal service on Monday, September 14th, 2020. If you are a distance learner and now want to pick up meals, please complete the online Meal Pick Up Registration Google form or contact Kelly Kent at or 218-473-6171. Meals must be ordered a week in advance in order for us to be able to order enough food for the week. Meal pick up time is 5:00-5:30pm, days is as follows:
Monday – Ogema School and Waubun School
Tuesday – Hilltop Supper Club, Berry’s Bar and Elbow Lake Catholic Church parking lots
Wednesday – White Earth Community Center parking lot for those signed up for 5 days of meals
Thursday - White Earth Community Center parking lot for those signed up for 3 days of meals
We ask that if you sign up for meals you pick them up. After 2 consecutive times of missing your meal pick up you will be removed from the list.
We are so excited to have our students back. We appreciate all that you are doing to help make this happen. It has been a challenging task for certain but well worth it. With that being stated, we are asking that there be no more changes to education plans after September 15th, 2020. If your student(s) is Hybrid Plan A, Hybrid Plan B or Distance Learning, we ask that they stay there until the end of the quarter (November 6th). The ongoing changes are having a negative impact on the education and services of other learners. There was a lot of coordination of efforts that occurred to make these plans happen. Thank you for working with us during these challenging times. We understand that there may be changes necessary due to COVID-19, we will deal with these individually.
Football practice information.
There will not be any bussing for practices. You are on your own to get to practice. We are able to have 12 practices (passing out pads and team meeting the first day does not count as a practice). If you really want to play football but absolutely cannot find a ride, contact coach Clark at
Practices will start at 3:40 or as soon as "in school" learners can get here. All practices for fall session will be in Mahnomen.
WEEK 1 -- September 14th
Monday, September 14th - pass out pads - team meeting - speed and strength
Tuesday - Friday practice 3:40- 6:15
WEEK 2 -- September 21
practice Monday - Thursday -- No practice Friday
WEEK 3 -- September 28
No practice Monday, Practice Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Friday will be a scrimmage under the lights on the football field. 6:00.
Volleyball Practice Information
Varsity (Grades 9-12) will be Mondays - Thursday September 14 through October 1. Mondays and Thursdays in Mahnomen. Tuesdays and Wednesdays in Waubun. 4:00pm start time
Jr High (Grades 7-8) will be slightly different - Waubun Players will practice in Waubun, Mahnomen Players in Mahnomen. Waubun girls will not start until Tuesday, Sept 15. Waubun Jr High will go Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday next week (Sept 15, 16, 17) and Monday - Thursday for the following two weeks. Start time for Jr High will be 3:30pm and done at 5:00pm.
Remember - Transportation will not be provided by the school for these practices.
A reminder that student drop off starts at 7:45 am at both Ogema and Waubun.
Due to the Labor Day holiday our meal delivery schedule has been moved back a day for this week.
Tues 9/8 - Ogema & Waubun School 5:00-5:30 pm
Wed 9/9 - Berry's, Hilltop & Elbow Lake Catholic church parking lot 5:00-5:30 pm
Thurs 9/10 - White Earth Community Center parking lot for those signed up for 5 meals a week 5:00-5:30 pm
Fri 9/11 - White Earth Community Center parking lot for those signed up for 3 meals a week 5:00-5:30
Please be aware if you sign up for meals this week you will be on the list for meal delivery starting next week.
We are so excited to have you back to school. Lunches will be served in the classrooms. Please respect the classrooms and keep them clean.
For senior high we will be letting them come through the kitchen but only allowing 3 students in the kitchen at a time. we have some floor makings down. will you have someone accompanying them to lunch and monitoring their distancing in line? Masks are required, CELL PHONES IN POCKETS, use hand sanitizer and 3 in the kitchen at a time. Pay attention/be ready, once you sanitizer at the door do not touch your phone until seated at the table.
Today: Hamburger on a bun, Baked Chips, Baked Beans, Vegetable, fruit, milk
Thursday Meal: Crispito, corn, fruit, salsa/sour cream, milk
We will have Football practice for Grades 7-12 starting Monday, Sept 14. 7th and 8th graders interested please email Mr Kohler ( and those in grades 9-12 interested email Mr. Clark (
Attention Distance Learners Grades 7-12: We are in the process of emailing your schedule (we are no longer using Skyward and are getting ready for student logins for the new Synergy system). Please check your student emails starting today and tomorrow.
Hybrid learners will get their schedules the first day of in person class.
Thank you for your continued patience!
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